Is there a website that a person can go to and find out drivers for a modem and how can you get info if you don't have original package the modem came in. I there a # on the modem itself that will tell me the manuf. and model? Any info wil be greatly appreciated. Thanks Doug

Is there a website that a person can go to and find out drivers for a modem and how can you get info if you don't have original package the modem came in. Is there a # on the modem itself that will tell me the manuf. and model? Any info wil be greatly appreciated.

Most modems have an FCC ID number (as does most electronic hardware). The number decodes this way: the first three characters are manufacturer ID, the rest is the model number under which it was submitted. go to and enter the manufacturer's code to find more information. The printed circuit board itself may also have numbers on it.

Failing that, you can often do some tracking with chip numbers. Look at the integrated circuits on the printed circuit board for numbers (ICs are black epoxy devices with many leads -- most are surface mount nowadays). If the ICs are LASER-marked (most are), they may be hard to read. In that case place a drop of Liquid Paper or white shoe polish on the markings, then rub it off gently with a bit of tissue to increase contrast and write down everything you see to share with us. It's possible to get generic drivers for many of the chipsets used on current modems.

Good luck!

Thanks a lot for the info....kind of new to all of this and your info was helpful...

You can visit to find you driver for modem ,but it is in China ,so you have to know some Chinese : )

I think one should go to manufacturer site for drivers.

In my case,I have upgraded from Windows 2000 professional to Windows XP. I have a agere Win build in modem(v90).My computer is Hp Pentium 3. I downloaded Modem830.exe from agere(Lucent win) site.Not able to connect to internet. Do I need some different drivers? From where?The only difference I see( not sure) that Agere Win modem is on COM3,while it was on COM 2 in Windows 2000.Needs help.

Since it is plug and play winmodem it will put it where it wants it.

Does the modem dial out do you hear anything when you tell it to dial

Does device manager show any yellow marks?

Are you sure you have the correct driver, it is not a one driver one company thing...

Each specific modem has a driver and some even based on year it was made.

The Modem dials,but unable to connect. I understand this problem is due to corruption of driver during XP installation(the corruption can be avoided if you take out Modem physically as well as uninstall it before installing XP)

In my case, the bad driver is automatically reloaded by plug and play device. I have the good driver ,but unable to load it. Upgrade driver and Uninstall options in windows are of no use. Something has to be done in INF files. I am not clear on this.

I think one should go to manufacturer site for drivers.

In my case,I have upgraded from Windows 2000 professional to Windows XP. I have a agere Win build in modem(v90).My computer is Hp Pentium 3. I downloaded Modem830.exe from agere(Lucent win) site.Not able to connect to internet. Do I need some different drivers? From where?The only difference I see( not sure) that Agere Win modem is on COM3,while it was on COM 2 in Windows 2000.Needs help.

I had that same modem.Always had troubles with it from day one.My computer would restart just about every time i tried connecting to or when i was on the internet.After restarting the error report always came back as driver problems.Finally one day i got pissed off and went to walmart and got a differant brand name modem for $25 and have had no problems since.
The one i got is Broadxent V.92 it made by Creative.

Thanks for your reply. I have also purchased an Aztech v92 external Modem. It is working fine. The problem is not in Modem. It has worked fine for over 4 years in Me and then 2000. It is only during installation of XP, something has gone wrong probabaly with the driver. I read a lot about it from the net. The INF file needs to be corrected. The file name is OEM5.inf. When I search thro' search, no such file is available. May be try to open the file in C:\WINDOWS\SYSTEM and see if it exists. I need more information. We should be able to sort this out. Buying a external Modem is a quickfix.

A good site to check for modem drivers is

Arun Sewak, I'd suggest you ditch that modem and replace it with an external one. Some WinModems simply have problems with Windows XP and drivers do not fix them! They are poor quality components in any case, and using an external modem will give a much more reliable internet connection. a samll bit of expense maybe, but certainly a beneficial one.

I have already purchased an Aztech v92 extrernal Modem. It is working fine. I tried to take out the PCI Modem and tried different slots. It was of no use because XP loads the driver automatically and I am not able to point towards the correct driver. My driver file is Modem830.exe. Is there some way to point the hardware wizard to point to this file or make a CD like we have for our external modem(In this I point to a file D:WinXp) . Am I talking silly? Anyway, thanks for your reply.

Are you asking if there's some way to make the internal modem work in XP? If so, then I'd suggest the answer is no. As I said earlier, there were quite a few Lucent WinModems which simply weren't compatible with XP. You could possible get them to work, after a fashion, by using generic modem drivers, but it would be with reduced functionality.

I have already purchased an Aztech v92 extrernal Modem. It is working fine. I tried to take out the PCI Modem and tried different slots. It was of no use because XP loads the driver automatically and I am not able to point towards the correct driver. My driver file is Modem830.exe. Is there some way to point the hardware wizard to point to this file or make a CD like we have for our external modem(In this I point to a file D:WinXp) . Am I talking silly? Anyway, thanks for your reply.

Go to either the device manager or phone and modem options in the control panel. Find your pci modem, properties , choose to "update driver" ,install from specific location ,then browse to you Modem830.exe.
I believe you have to direct it right to the "XP" folder within the 830 exe.
As others have said...if its a WinLucent modem you might as well not waste your time.
WinLucent was takin over by Agere. When you run that 830 exe. it will rename your modem to Agere. It will not help at all .I tried everything then
finally just bought a differant brand as i mentioned earlier.
good luck.

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