Hello All,

I am getting alot of clicking noises and then my laptop (dell inspiron 1100) will not load into windows. It gives the Primary Disk Drive Not Found. After trying to turn it on and off with some breaks in between It finally loaded into windows. This is the first time it has gotten into window XP and it is running real slow. While I am in windows should I do anything because I'm not sure if I can get back in.

Thanks in advance


If you are able to get into windows backup whatever data you need ASAP!!! Your hard drive HDD is going bad or has gone bad. If you ever hear click sound coming from your HDD immediately, backup your data and start shopping for a new HDD.


Any idea as to a cheap hard drive and where to find one? I assume that HDD is a hard disk drive. Thanks for the response. Any idea as to why hard drives go bad? Is it just something that needs to be replaced over time.

AJZ, after I got into windows I recieved the BSOD and posted all of my information from it on the Windows XP forum. Please take a look at it http://www.daniweb.com/techtalkforums/showthread.php?t=51350&highlight=BSOD.....

Thanks to all who respond.


There could be several reasons why your (yes you are correct Hard Disk Drive) HDD went bad. I really couldn't tell you why yours went south. One thing to always remember never ignore a clicking hard drive it is only a matter of time before it fails anywhere from hours to weeks. Also if you hard drive starting making noise NEVER shut down your computer until you have all your data copied off.

It is not uncommon for a HDD to crash. HDD are really cheap now you can pick one up for as little as $45 - http://www.newegg.com/Product/ProductList.asp?N=2010150014+4025&Submit=ENE&SubCategory=14. If you have any other questions let me know.


There could be several reasons why your (yes you are correct Hard Disk Drive) HDD went bad. I really couldn't tell you why yours went south. One thing to always remember never ignore a clicking hard drive it is only a matter of time before it fails anywhere from hours to weeks. Also if you hard drive starting making noise NEVER shut down your computer until you have all your data copied off.

It is not uncommon for a HDD to crash. HDD are really cheap now you can pick one up for as little as $45 - http://www.newegg.com/Product/ProductList.asp?N=2010150014+4025&Submit=ENE&SubCategory=14. If you have any other questions let me know.


I'll start shopping around and I have the time to do it myself, but will someone on here help me put the new one in and get my notebook running again? I went by a tech repair shop yesterday and they said it would be 2-3 hrs labor($95/hr) to get a new hard drive installed and put my programs back on it. All I want on there is windows and office and I think I can find that software. I have a computer to borrow so time is not the issue, but is this something (with help) that I could do myself? I just want a working computer like I had before.



Sorry the link I gave you was PC's not for laptops. Laptop HDD will run a little bit more. If time is not an issue when you remove the drive call the manufacture HDD usually have anywhere from a 3-5 year warranty on them, you might be able to get a replacement drive free if you do not mind the wait. My free time is sporadic if I am not busy when you get your drive I will give you a hand.

http://www.newegg.com/Product/ProductList.asp?Submit=ENE&N=2010150380+130971540&Subcategory=380&description=&srchInDesc=&minPrice=&maxPrice =


Your hard drive has gone - as signified by the clicking noises that you are hearing. I know this may sound technical to somebody not in the know but it sounds like one of the disc acutator arms has come down on to the platter of the disc, hence this is stopping the disc from spinning.

get a new hard disk asap - is your machine still under warranty:)

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