Hey all,

I just got a new motherboard it's and Abit-wb6. My question is does anyone know any sites where I can download the manuals on it. What is the biggest hard drive you can put in it? whats the board worth? I found it to be worth between 100$ - 130$ on the internet (not ebay) I paid 10$ for it used works great. Was that a good price? Am I able to hook up my front USB and sound on it? Where can I plug my "cd-in" cable on the board? Thanks in advance.

Hey all,

I just got a new motherboard it's and Abit-wb6. My question is does anyone know any sites where I can download the manuals on it. What is the biggest hard drive you can put in it? whats the board worth? I found it to be worth between 100$ - 130$ on the internet (not ebay) I paid 10$ for it used works great. Was that a good price? Am I able to hook up my front USB and sound on it? Where can I plug my "cd-in" cable on the board? Thanks in advance.

Not a very good board. The 810 chipset is pretty minimal, the built-in graphics are barely adequate, and there's no AGP slot to add another card. Good for the Internet and word processing, not much more. Good value for the price, though.

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