Hey all,

just got hold of a Mac Performa 6200CD. anyone know the specs on it? I think its really old but a friend was ditching it so I grabbed it hoping it was something worth kepping but I'm not sure. The only thing I know is it has a 75mhz processor. what kind of operating system does it have? thanks


Go down to Versiontracker.com and grab a free utility called Mactracker. It is an excellent database of the Mac models out there, and is updated regularly.

To answer your 6200CD, here are some thoughts....

It was introduced in May 1995.

CPU: PowerPC 603 and 603e. This CPU was made primarly for laptops, and was not as robust as the 604 that was out at roughly the same time. Processor speed was 75 or 100 Mhz.

The CD-ROM should be an 8x or so, and it will run MacOS 7.5.1 through Mac OS 9.1 The Max amount of RAM available at the time was 64 MB of RAM, so I would suggest that the System 8 family would be your best bet. System 8 offered more options with fonts, and better Appletalk options.

To check out what the computer has on it, use the Apple Menu to look for a program called System Profiler. You can also look for About the Finder... and it will tell you some things.



Check their hardware profiles. They have pretty much every Mac ever made, and some clones.

Not only that, but in each profile they have a link to the machine's actual profile on www.apple.com.

Thanks for your help guys, I brought my machine into my graphics art teacher and we looked at it, hooked it up, got power but no screen. I finally figured out how to get the cover off and the machine ahd been picked clean of ram and processor unfortunatly.

No problem.

Considering the specs of that system, I wouldn't put any money into it. You could probably find that system, or one with similar specs for under $20, plus shipping, probably.

Hey all,

just got hold of a Mac Performa 6200CD. anyone know the specs on it? I think its really old but a friend was ditching it so I grabbed it hoping it was something worth kepping but I'm not sure. The only thing I know is it has a 75mhz processor. what kind of operating system does it have? thanks

i had a performa in my office once. it will make a most excellent tax write-off should you donate it to a school. the performas were geared toward home computers, and to be honest, you would be better off upgrading your G3 with your money and just letting some kids have the performa and expose them to macs.

i took my g3, (have a g4 now and am struggling with the 9 to 10.3 transition. think different has gone way over MY head. HA!) and had a 40 GB hard drive installed and partitioned. the g3 is a still a great mac to have. but, personally, i wouldn't put 10.3 on it. if you want to talk to an expert, i found a website and made contact with one of their certified apple techs to help me and he did a most excellent job of getting me started straightening out 10.3 issues...


i think they have techies all over the country. he could either help you or send you to your local rep.

performa equals tax write-off. :) cee

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