Hi, i'm workin on a pc that was in some sort of flooding, i'm not sure how much water was involved or what got wet. but since the flooding there has been alot of problems with the pc. i am wondering if there is any sort of sofware out there that i can test the integrity of the motherboard. any help would be greatly appreciated. thanks

Motherboard Monitor would be your best bet but, I it's not going to tell you, you have bad parts or you spilled water inside.


Yeah, you probably want to replace just about everything.

Even if it's running okay now, who's to say that it will run later? The capacitors on the motherboard might dry out or leak, and any of the metal parts on the motherboard might oxidize.

To be safe, I'd just chuck the old box and look at a whole new system, case and all.

No Way, why chuck a good machine? if it was off when the flooding occured take all the computer parts out the machine let them sit out for a few day to dry off and they should be good to go. My dad is an electronic technician I have seen him wash many circuit boards. This also depend on how old it is to and how long it was under water. but mainly, if the machine was off, it should still run fine once it has dried out.

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Hi, i'm workin on a pc that was in some sort of flooding, i'm not sure how much water was involved or what got wet. but since the flooding there has been alot of problems with the pc. i am wondering if there is any sort of sofware out there that i can test the integrity of the motherboard. any help would be greatly appreciated. thanks

One easy way to dry them out is to pick up some ethyl alcohol and use an small paintbrush on each and every circuit ont the board. Ethyl alcohol helps to remove water that may or may not be present in/on/around circuits on your motherboard.

I would then motherboard monitor to check your voltages. If anything wavers around quite a bit...I'd junk it and buy a new one.

No Way, why chuck a good machine? if it was off when the flooding occured take all the computer parts out the machine let them sit out for a few day to dry off and they should be good to go. My dad is an electronic technician I have seen him wash many circuit boards. This also depend on how old it is to and how long it was under water. but mainly, if the machine was off, it should still run fine once it has dried out.

Yeah why throw it away just use it as a door stop :)

No Way, why chuck a good machine? if it was off when the flooding occured take all the computer parts out the machine let them sit out for a few day to dry off and they should be good to go. My dad is an electronic technician I have seen him wash many circuit boards. This also depend on how old it is to and how long it was under water. but mainly, if the machine was off, it should still run fine once it has dried out.

I beg to differ.

This is why you use distilled water when you water cool a system. Regular water has impurities and particles in it that conduct or impeded electricity. Even if the water dried out, you may still end up with a bunch of junk on the circuits. Taking a paint brush and some alcohol may do it, but that would take forever, and you may not still get everything.

...But then again, what's the worst that could happen? Plug the thing in, get sparks, smoke? Or, worse yet, it doesn't boot at all? Let it dry out and try it, but don't be surprised if nothing works.

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