Hello all

I try to burn a CD. The computer forze before it was finish so I turn the computer off. When i restarted the computer the CD writer nolonger read any CDs data or audio. Does anyone knows how to fix the problem.

I once did the same thing on a laptop CD driver. I just took the cover off and roll the lazer head back into the start postion, is this the same problem?

Thanks all

The optical drive is now the most failure prone of any component in a computer. If you have a year or more of use, it is probably dead, or if you have six months of heavy use it could be.

Try this, which works for a lot of users:
http://ai,ja/prg/req3.htm Restore missing CD Drive, and read this over. It may save your unit.

The optical drive is now the most failure prone of any component in a computer. If you have a year or more of use, it is probably dead, or if you have six months of heavy use it could be.

Try this, which works for a lot of users:
http://ai,ja/prg/req3.htm Restore missing CD Drive, and read this over. It may save your unit.

Did you post the wrong link, I don't see how that site is going to help this situation. I'm not sure I would care to see what else you have bookmarked.:eek:

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