I wanna buy a case for my dell dimension 4700. I need to keep my computer cool and well ventilated. I want a side panel so I can see the insides of my computer. Please find me some links to look at. I looked on newegg.com for a while and its very hard to choose. I am willing to spend up to $70 on a new case.
Thank you for you help.

you cant as dell cases are BTX not ATX therefore your motherboard and PSU wont fit

I upgraded my power supply unit from 305 watt to 450 watt so the power supply unit is not a problem. how do u know my case is BTX? i bought my computer 2 years ago. please give me advice. thanx

because all dells in recent years are BTX. Only some machines have the custom PSU - a standard one will fit but its supposed to be bad for your pcs heath

Thermaltake still offers a few BTX cases, don't they? I imagine that most of them are a touch higher than $70, but Newegg has a Thermaltake Tuba for $50 that I think might work.

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