Hello, I am wondering if it is a good idea to upgrade my ram. Right now I have dual channel 2x256. My friend might give me a 1gb stick. I have another 2 banks on my mobo. Should I upgrade and add another gig or will it no longer be dual channel?

Hello, I am wondering if it is a good idea to upgrade my ram. Right now I have dual channel 2x256. My friend might give me a 1gb stick. I have another 2 banks on my mobo. Should I upgrade and add another gig or will it no longer be dual channel?

Hi runcmd3, welcome to Dani Web.

If you add the one 1GB module you will not be able to run in dual mode. Dual mode requires two modules with the exact same specs, this includes the size of the module.

You could see if you can find another module to match the 1GB module your friend has given you, you should be able to get the make and model from the information on the module.

yeah i could do that but my computer only supports 2 gb total. which is better 1.5gb normal ram or .5gb dual? im mainly using the computer for web design w/ flash photoshop and dreamweaver.

1GB in single channel will be better than two 256MB modules in dual channel.

What I was suggesting was to see if you can find another module to match the one your friend is offering you and run the two 1GB modules in dual channel. Then you could sell the other 256MB modules.

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