...but I'm not sure which type I need.

I have a Windows 98 computer, and so far I have bought a new 60gig hard-drive for it and now I'm looking for some RAM.

I'm not too sure what sort I need, or what technical information anyone would need to know what sort I need. Just tell me what specs you need and I will tell you them. I can also upload pictures.


Put simply your are likely to have either DDR or SDR RAM in your current computer. If you know where to unscrew the computer and find the RAM, the easiest thing to do is to remove it, take the RAM to the markets or shop where you are going to buy it and they will give you the same type of RAM.

Or what you can do is go to this site:
and let their software look for you!
Then they tell you what type of RAM you have, How much of it and what they sell which you can upgrade to.

Thanks for all of the responses :)

I was planning on buying the RAM off Ebay, I've seen some great deals on Kingston brand DDR.

As for determining what sort of RAM I need, that site is very good, however I can't use it.

The computer that I want to install RAM on has it's WINDOWS directory pretty bashed up. As soon as you log on, a prompt shuts down explorer, and all that is left is a blue wallpaper and a cursor - this happens before any of the menu bars load.

I was going to re-install a Windows XP OS onto the computer, although I don't think that it would be advisable as the computer has 64meg's of ram and is Pentium 2. Even if I did manage to install XP, and if I had the patience to install IE/firefox, I doubt that I wouldd have enough patience to load up google, go onto that site...

Also, I can't install 98 OS, because I don't have it. Downloading a crack copy would be too difficult.

Therefore the only solution that I can think of is to unscrew the computer and take a gander at it's insides.

I've studied at least one machine before, and I understand the very basics. I remember having to disconnect the memory sticks, but I'm sure that I wouldn't be able to remove, let along find the RAM sticks... or whatever they're called.

What I could do is take very detailed pictures with a digital camera, photoshop it up and then upload it.

I'm also taking a course in Web design this summer, and the the instructor may be able to help me.

Another query I have is this: how do I change a Pentium 2 to a Pentium 4? Is it linked to the RAM? Or is it built into the motherboard? Would it affect anything if I were to play... say... The Sims 2 on a P2?

Sorry for being so long,

Well you would need to buy a new chipset for your computer, and no it is linked to the RAM.
ALTHOUGH you may need to upgrade your motherboard in order to make use of a new chipset. Your current motherboard may not be able to support a pentium 4, or a dual core processor.
Well getting more RAM or a New Chip would increase the games speed dramaticly.
It would enable you to play more games with a better chipset and RAM.

OK well I'll focus on RAM for the moment being. I'll take it apart and see if I can find anything, I've seen pictures of RAM from some research I've been doing on Google.

I'll upload some pictures too.


Is it a laptop or desktop computer?

There are usually only a few obvious places where it sits on the laptop, and the desktop is even easier. Once you know where to look, you will recognise as soon as you see it.

to change a p2 to a p4 would require so many upgrades that you would have all the p2 parts on the floor, case included and a new p4 on the table.
giving that its a p2 i would venture a quess that the ram is SDRAM,either pc66 or pc100 .
my opinion as a retailer of used computers you are wasting your time with the p2 ,as i throw them in the dump all the time because there is NO demand for them, as there is not much left that they can do with to-days software .remember that the internet is run by todays newest software .

I found what I think is the RAM. From what I know I think it might by DDR. Clicky

I also found the Pentium 2 Processor. It was screwed into the motherboard. It wouldn't be too hard for me to remove it cleanly... i wouldn't have to remove all of the seperate parts, just unscrew it and keep it in a box somewhere.

I've found some PC100 SDRAM (4x256MB) off Ebay and I've just bought it with my credit card.

Thanks for all the advice.


I found what I think is the RAM. From what I know I think it might by DDR. Clicky

I also found the Pentium 2 Processor. It was screwed into the motherboard. It wouldn't be too hard for me to remove it cleanly... i wouldn't have to remove all of the seperate parts, just unscrew it and keep it in a box somewhere.

screwed into the board??? cpu are plugged into the board ,

...no it's definitely screwed into the motherboard.

oh well ,its a first for me ,the fan and heatsinc may be ,but the cpu is either soldered to ,or plugs into a socket soldered to the board .

Yes from ur pic that is RAM stick, they normally are in pairs.

Put simply your are likely to have either DDR or SDR RAM in your current computer. If you know where to unscrew the computer and find the RAM, the easiest thing to do is to remove it, take the RAM to the markets or shop where you are going to buy it and they will give you the same type of RAM.

i am giving you a web address where you can find anything of ram........


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