I have a Lite-On XJ-HD166S (that came with a Dell Dimension 4700 in Dec 04) and it no longer works. I replaced the old one with a new liteon (i've had good luck with liteon drives), and gave it back to my family member.

Now, I want to resurrect the drive so I can get it working in my old Pentium 2 system.

The drive spins up and stops it, and it trys to spin up again and spins down, and so on. I think the issue is the motor, but I'm not sure.

Could someone tell me how to fix the motor (if it's possible)? Or could they tell me what they think the issue is.

I cannot afford a new one, because I don't have a job.

Any help will be HIGHLY appriciated.

To start with, no, there's no way for U to repair the drive.
Possible causes: controller error, defective ribbon cable, wrong jumper setting, or BIOS support. If all that fails then the drive is a paperweight.

its the lazer, they wear out after time, its common on things where there are a lot of reads such as games consoles

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