My screen has started flashin occasionly to a black screen then goes back to normal, the it will goes black for a bit lnger and the message out of frequency appears bouncing round the black screen, my computer power light is still on but i have to press reset, i have downloaded the up to date driver for my graphics cars, my tech man is now telling me that it could be the motherboard but i am not convinced. Help!!

No, the problem is not coming from your motherboard.

It's a monitor issue. The refresh rate is not set correctly. Right click on your desktop, select Properties, Setting, Advanced and look for the refresh rate. Try to lower the setting.

If you can't even do that in windows, try booting to Safe Mode upon bootup. Restart your computer when it is booting press F8. Select Safe Mode.

If it doesn't help. Your monitor is wearing out. Try to test it with another monitor before buying a new one.

Hi feeob,

i agree with fren, but it could be also that there any magnetic devices or other devices near your monitor that causes the problem..if there are no devices that interfers with your monitor to function improperly, then it could be a faulty monitor ...

There are no magnetic devices near my machine there are 4 other machines in the same are and they dont have this problem. My frequency is set at 60 which is the lowest and i have also tried it with another moniter to no avail......!!!

There are no magnetic devices near my machine there are 4 other machines in the same are and they dont have this problem. My frequency is set at 60 which is the lowest and i have also tried it with another moniter to no avail......!!!

Play around with the refresh rate, set it above 60 one a time. See what will happen.

Remove and reinstall your video adapter driver and the monitor driver. See what will happen.

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