i think it should go here i have not got a cd re-writer but i want to install ubuntu so is there anyway i can install it from and iso seperetly

No, not for ubuntu. But you can use something called "shipit" on the Ubuntu website to get free CDs delivered to your door but it can take up to 2 months nearly.


ive never used it though.

well not only for that i want vista also can i get this fdor vista a mount iso not on another iso a fresh install

If I understand it.... You want to install OS without CD... Only one way, if you have Windows Server 2003 (or any OS with RIS service) on another machine and hook them up in network. You would also need RIS (Remote Installation Service) running and configured. Then, if you have the option of booting via LAN (Intel boot agent, PXE ROM, Remote Boot disk) in your BIOS, you should set it up so it boots using LAN.

That is the general info. I don't have details, for I never installed OS that way.

i so need help

i so need help

you must be pulling or leg ,you are in every form with all kinds of problems ,time for new computer i think!lol

basicly i use my computer for testing and when it goes wrong i get help and learn from this forum I AM ONLY 14

so could you help me

basicly i use my computer for testing and when it goes wrong i get help and learn from this forum I AM ONLY 14

so could you help me

OK.I'm just teasing you lol
I have a few ubuntu disk around here somewhere maybe i could send you one .as for Vista i know nuthing .

Yeah, do a google, there are many sites that5 will send you an ubuntu disk within a week for under $15

If you already have ISO images, and don't have burner, I suggest that you buy the burner for $30 - $50 (maybe lower). Much better investment.

but i need to improvise i need to get it up and running any ideas

Are you able to burn the CDs?
Do you have the working optical drive on that machine?
Is there another machine available?

the cd rewriter can read but cannot burn also i have a spare cd drive if that helps but it doesnt burn cd's

how can i fix this I CAN TAKE IT APART IF YOU WANT ME TO

i have only 1 machine

I suppose that the ISO images are on your HD. You would need to take out that HD and put it in some machine that has the burner and burn those ISOs to CDs. Make sure that those are bootable ISO Images. Most of burning software (PowerISO, for example) displays if the image is bootable.
After that put that HD back and boot with CD. You will need to change your booting sequence in your BIOS.

What you can try is to use Ubuntu on a virtual machine.
Its a good option if you have enough resourcees to run one. (i.e VirtualBox, Virtual PC 2007, VMware)

VPC has the linux mouse bug ATM

i have got vmware but i want a permenent solution i.e fresh install no windows

the cd rewriter can read but cannot burn

When you burn ISOs you dont do it like files. There special. Use a tool called DeepBurner (free version available) and choose Burn ISO.

When you burn ISOs you dont do it like files. There special. Use a tool called DeepBurner (free version available) and choose Burn ISO.

I use nero and poweriso i mabye a small teen who doesnt know much but i know the basics lol

my cd burner doesnt work with any sort of burning i.e mp 10,power iso,nero

Maybe your burner is being blocked by copyright protection software?

what do you mean how can i solve this if this is the problem

There are burning softwares that override the copyright protection... It is on the edge of legal. You will have to "fend for yourself" there.

Although, it shouldn't prevent you from burning unprotected images.

I think your cd burner is either old or just crap. Get a new one

its a lg burner and i burn ubuntu and it doesnt work so it couldnt be write protection any help on cleaning laser

There are lens cleaner disks. Cheap. I recommend Phillips, dry brush + doesn't need to be read. It has a replaceable brush on the inner edge.

cant i open it and do something like manual cleaning

No... once you do it will only get more dirt. Trust me, I've tried it. I opened it and cleaned the lens, using alcohol and cotton, it was clean for a while, but after a week or so it got dirty again. Had to open it again because the dry brush CD lens cleaner wasn't effective any longer. You don't want to open it every week. Lens cleaner CD is the best option. Once you use it, you will have working burner for next couple of weeks.. no dismantling necessary.

i will give it ago

its a lg burner and i burn ubuntu and it doesnt work so it couldnt be write protection any help on cleaning laser

unbuntu is free and we are encouraged to share it ,so no reason to write protect it.

I don't understand days of conversation about a bad cd-rw ,when you could just go buy a new one .here in canada i can but a LG 18x dvd -rw ,for 39.99 or less ,go out and get a Paper Route and buy a new drive and save yourself all this grief!lol


i meswell save up and get one its only 11 pound i just wanted to learn lol why i was fixing the problem:)

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