Ok its like this... I have 2 64MB ram chips in my mobo and one empty slot. So i went to put kinda an old RAM in and when i turned the computer on it beeped about five times. I turned it off and took the RAM out. Now when i turn it on it powers up but nothing appears, it doesnt have any type of boot sequence. The graphics card is on, the fans are on and the harddrive is powered up, but there is no screen output. Any help on this one?

Old mobos can get "moody". Some faulty solder or something can cause this, or bad connection of the memory or PCI/AGP slot. Try pushing in the chips and vga card. Also can try starting with 1 memory chip at the time.

Old mobos can get "moody". Some faulty solder or something can cause this, or bad connection of the memory or PCI/AGP slot. Try pushing in the chips and vga card. Also can try starting with 1 memory chip at the time.

Thanks but i tried this. I also tried resetting CMOS and leaving the battery out for a while. I checked all the connections, but i still can't figure out whats wrong. I think when i put that old ram in it set some flag "on" but now i cant figure out how to turn in off. POST still works because when i power on without RAM i get the waring beeps, but i just can't figure out whats wrong!:?:

Most probbably the ram chips got fryed for one raeson or another. You should try some ram chips that you know that work.

Hey, I have the same problem. except that mine wouldn't boot after I cleaned it. I have an ASUS p5k-e motherboard. It's roughly about 2 years old and it shouldn't be doing this... I took everything out after the first unsuccessful boot process, but it still didn't boot.... My whole life is on that computer, I need it to work....

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