I have a Dell Dimension 4700, 3.0 ghz, upgraded 3GB RAM, new Nvidia 7600GT 256MB video card and a new 500W Power Supply.

The problem is my fan is so loud, I can barely hear anything else. I have replaced the cpu fan 3 times now and the fan is still as loud as ever. I need to know if there is somehow I can communicate to my cpu not to run my fan so loud or if I should just get a new heatsink and therefore, which one should I get.

Any help on this would be greatly appreciated. If anyone else has had this problem, please some advice, I am getting desperate, and can't afford to buy a new machine.

Thank you.

I have a Dell Dimension 4700, 3.0 ghz, upgraded 3GB RAM, new Nvidia 7600GT 256MB video card and a new 500W Power Supply.

The problem is my fan is so loud, I can barely hear anything else. I have replaced the cpu fan 3 times now and the fan is still as loud as ever. I need to know if there is somehow I can communicate to my cpu not to run my fan so loud or if I should just get a new heatsink and therefore, which one should I get.

Any help on this would be greatly appreciated. If anyone else has had this problem, please some advice, I am getting desperate, and can't afford to buy a new machine.

Thank you.

first ?, how would a new heat sinc help a noisy fan ,and did all 3 fans make the loud noise ,now my recommendation to you would be to go out and buy a really good quality cpu fan for your machine ,as better is best !also are you sure its not the video card fan or power supply fan making all the noise!!

Ok, I don't know much about computer hardware, so I am not clear on heatsinks and fans and such.

However, I do know that it is the fan, because I opened up my machine and stopped every fan and only when stopping my cpu fan did the sound stop. Also, all 3 fans were loud and that is what is confusing me the most.

So, in other words, I am at a total loss.

Put your old power supply again in your system and check what will happen.

Open your cpu case then place a home electric fan directly near to cpu case. See if it will help reduce the speed of the processor fan.

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