Hi. I've got a Packard Bell laptop that is specified as having 1 GB of RAM. However, looking in the Windows system information and the BIOS both show it as having 896 MB. Does anyone know how I would go about determining whether the missing RAM is being used for another purpose (like borrowed by the graphics card), or if there is a technical problem here? Any advice appriciated.


its probably got 128Mb shared RAM with the onboard graphics, or something similar

That's a good suggestion. Except that the machine has an off board ATI graphics card with 256 MB dedicated RAM. At least, that's what the specification says.


have you checked the bios to see if the onboard graphics (if it exists) has been alloted some memory? or perhaps on board sound has been given 128Mb. I think the best place to look would be in your BIOS.

Do you have the model of the system?

Hi there,
I need some help. I've got 2 stics of RAM with the value of 512MB. Now, no matter how I'll re-arrange it I end up in only one possible pint where my computer boots up, start up screen shows me 1GB, BIOS will show me 1GB when checking in Windows Vista, it shows me that I've got only 512MB installed. Now, memmory test shows me that's all ok. So... where is my 512MB of RAM?

That's a good suggestion. Except that the machine has an off board ATI graphics card with 256 MB dedicated RAM. At least, that's what the specification says.

ATI Lies. My dell desktop has a "256mb" card (an actual physical card) but its "hypermemory" which basically means that it has 64 of its own on the card, and steals the other 192? from my machines RAM

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