if memory can cause damage of the motherboard?

Not really. Now watch the contrary answers.

I suppose a dead short in memory could blow a capacitor or something on the mobo.

So, what's your problem?

Ah I see!...but can u tell me what's wrong w/my mobo (ASUS p5p800) cause it has no display and i can't identify which parts is damage cause there is no alarm/beep? (I think my mobo need to be replace)

tnx 4 the repz Suspishio!

Not really. Now watch the contrary answers.

I suppose a dead short in memory could blow a capacitor or something on the mobo.

So, what's your problem?

If when you power on, the fans run, the disk spins but there is no Beep and the keyboard doesn't flash and there is no display, then one of two problems is likely:

The motherboard is damaged; damaged RAM would not stop the power on boot routines which come from their own memory chip.

The power supply onto the motherboard is defective at one or the other end.

Hope that info helps.

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