I always install antivirus on my computer. At least one. I do not use two antivirus at a time. Just one. Antivirus makes my computer slow. May someone suggest an antivirus that will not slows down my computers performance.

I tested avast antivirus but it still make my computer slow.

I tested avast antivirus but it still make my computer slow.

Then I wouldn't blame it on the anti-virus program, there must be other factors causing this slowness. Too many programs running at the same time, overload of temp files, not enough RAM, not enough Hard Drive space, out of date drivers, out of date software are just some of the many reasons for a computer running slow. An anti-virus program wouldn't be at the top of my list in most cases.

You obviously have greater problems than an anti-virus causing your computer to be slow as your threads created in the last 48 hours would indicate
Here are the links and your first sentence in each one, it sounds to me by reading all of these that an anti-virus program making your computer slow is the very least of your worries. Sounds like a bad reformat to me, or an incomplete one at best:

My computer do not startup. I need to use a boot disk for me to able to start it up. How can I do that? I have the boot disk.

Recover files from reformatted computer

May someone teach me how to make a boot disk using USB. May computer always have the error that require the boot disk.

I always install antivirus on my computer. At least one. I do not use two antivirus at a time. Just one. Antivirus makes my computer slow. May someone suggest an antivirus that will not slows down my computers performance.

am sure my friend you have been using one of these mcfee, kerspersky, and others

try using avir personal or premium edition or avast version 4.5 think it will work well for you

I tested avast antivirus but it still make my computer slow.

i meant version 4.5 with keys if it still persists then boost up your ram because its what i use and my computer is running well

kitjo, this poster has a LOT more problems than an anti-virus slowing his or her computer. Read the links posted in my last post.

Avira Free or Avast Free

avast freee can work but u will need a key to make it more stronger avr free only works for 15 days so you need to go premium

avast freee can work but u will need a key to make it more stronger avr free only works for 15 days so you need to go premium

You are incorrect on both counts. avast! antivirus Home Edition is available free of charge for non-commercial home use ONLY.
avast! antivirus Home Edition is FREE to use but it is necessary to register before the end of the initial 60 day trial period. Following the registration you will receive by e-mail a license key valid for a period of 1 year but you don't have to purchase anything.
Avira Free has NO requirements to go Premium. I have used it well over a year and am extremely satisfied with it.

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