I have recently gotten a nasty virus. AVG did not stop it. It erased all of my desktop icons and removed all links from my start button. I can still access my file through My Computer. Any ideas?

Hardware & Software -> Microsoft Windows -> Viruses

And AVG is pretty crappy, I used it myself but it did not detect any viruses. I use Norton now and its a bit better

commented: If you are going to post in here then offer actual assistance, not just comments. Your reply gave no aassistance to the poster -3
commented: Rep correction. This was originally posted in the community forums. Nothing wrong with this post at all. +15

AVG sucks. Use kasperky anti viurs, it rocks. Haha, sorry for my language. Did you backup your stuff if yes you can restore it.

commented: You have been told this before, if you are going to offer assistance then offer true assistance, not editorial comments. They offer no asistance to the poster asking for help. -3
commented: Post was actually in another forum before it was moved here to the correct location. +15
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