My computer has a virus now, and yesterday it turned on just fine, but today it says it cannot start up. I have restarted the computer several times, and it doesn't start up. I have not done a cold boot, because I didn't think that would help. I run the start up repair, and this is the error that it gives me.

The instruction at 0xfe6532a6 referenced memory at 0xffffffff.
The memory could not be read.

Click OK to terminate the program.

I have tried a system restore, but that didn't help. I would prefer not to reinstall windows again, but if need be I will.

Is there a way to fix this problem? If so how?

Thanks for any help.

First, do a full shutdown, then make sure that all memory is cleared. If this is a laptop, you may need to remove the battery and hold the start button/slide on for 10-20 seconds. If a desktop, then shut down and remove the power cord for at least 30 seconds to 2 minutes. Depending upon your make/model there may be some other thing you need to do to make sure that all RAM and volatile flash memory is "drained". Then restart the system. Some viruses can infect the volatile flash memory so that when you do a warm restart, they reinfect the system.

My computer is a Toshiba Satellite U500.


I cold booted and ran the startup repair, and I get this error message

The instruction at 0xfe3332a6 referenced memory at 0xffffffff.
The memory could not be read.

Click OK to terminate the program.

It is a different error message then before.

How can I figure out if I need to do anything else to clear the ram for my computer?

Thanks for your help.

Shut down, take the battery out, hold the power button/switch on for 10-20 seconds. Let sit for at least 10-30 minutes before putting the battery back and restarting the system.

I held the power button for 20 ish seconds, and let the comp sit for about 20. I turned it on and ran a startup repair, and I got a different error again.

The instruction at 0xfe6e32a6 referenced memory at 0xffffffff.
The memory could not be read.

Click OK to terminate the program.

If I am getting different errors is that because each time I let it run it repairs the previous file, and then runs into another error? Why am I constantly getting different errors?

Thanks for your help.

Perhaps you have a problem with your RAM. If you can, run the memtest86 software to test your memory.

I have reset my computer, but feel free to comment still if you have a solution.

There is a problem with your ram clean it

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