Okay, so I am horrible with computers so this may be just an easy fix. For the past two days Internet Explorer keeps on starting on its own. It does not open to an actual website but in the search bar there are always random, incomplete urls (the most recent example: http://nskduikwwxzkok/). It's my laptop for class so it is unbelievably annoying.

Please, please help me out.

You are most likely infected. Run a full Mbam scan on your computer and post its resulting log here. Mbam can easily be found with google.

Downlaod malwarebytes, it's free. Install and run, this should find and remove all viruses. Unintsall/disable all browser toolbars. Reset internet explorer to default settings. There are other steps that can done but these are the simplest and should solve your problem. If not you can contact us, we can help via remote support.

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