I downloaded a free panda anti-virus from caperjacks programs on his post but when it's running I can't seem to connect to the internet or at least I can't get a web page to come up. Does anyone know how I can fix this? Thanks for any help in advance it's appreciated.

P.S. I hope this is the right forum for this ? If not please direct me to the proper one thanks

You shouldn't be doing anything else when runnning scans on you computer .

i wasn't doing a scan I just installed it and then tried to access this site and it would not let me get a web page. does this program auto scan on install or something. thanks for your reply I know your a busy guy from reading the bridge,dll post that everyone posted in.

The two links in my signature are for free online scans ,you must run the scan while online .

sorry caper maybe i got that from someone elses post cause there were so many people posting your threads seemed like the most useful so i thought i got it from you. what i did get was panda 2003 and i installed it to my pc after i took off my crappy norton. so I had the panda icon down on my toolbar and I tried to connect to a web page and it would not let me so I disabled it to get here to find out if the the files I had to check in hijackthis would be different for my pc or if the files that are in all the posts sre common to the bridge.dll prob. thanks again man.

You really should have you log looked as not alla re the same .

I figured out how to have the firewall off while still having e-mail and files scanned with panda so i'm ok now. I have a router so i figured I could live without the firewall. thanks man.

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