Where would I go if I wanted to find out where the heavy programming for Linux is going on? I mean stuff like programming drivers and writing for the kernel. I want to try my skills.


...that should have information on the mailing lists associated with kernel development. Additionally, there are two great books to pick up: Understanding the Linux Kernel, and Linux Device Drivers, both published by O'Reilly.


You might also want to go to sourceforge.com and see what is lurking around there. Download some sources and see if youcan help out on a project. I wouldn't announce you are doing it, but just see if you can respond to the challenge.


No one wants to pay for books, Go over to The Linux Documentation Project http://tldp.org/ and pick yourself up a copy of Linux Kernel 2.4 Internals while 2.4 alot of it will cross over to 2.6 also get a copy of The Linux Kernel Module Programming Guide(kernel 2.6), The Linux Kernel(kernel 2.0) and The Linux Kernel Hacking Guide (Kernel 2.0)

I hope these help

KernelAnalysis-HOWTO could also help

perhaps subscribe to some mail lists http://vger.kernel.org/vger-lists.html


Currently I going through a book named "Beginning Unix Programming" , which is a good one.
If you really want to explore and see what you know , i would prefer to go through "Network programming in Unix environment" by Richard Stevans.


Get the Book "Advanced-Linux-Programming" and "Professional Programming for Linux". Both the Books are widely available in Market. I recommend the First One to read.

this thread is years old, i doubt they are still looking for a reply.

Which File

If compiling C file then

gcc -o name filename.c

For C++

g++ -o name filename.cpp

You must know lower level C, and I'd recommend a little knowledge in assembly. Also another good book is "Professional Linux Kernel Architecture". Linux Kernel programming isn't easy to buckle down your sanity, and try not to turn into Richard Stallman.

i want to see "Beginning Unix Programming" and Network programming in Unix environment and both "Professional Programming for Linux" and "advance_Linux programming" to improve my knowledgment.
pleases send me those books if your can.
thanks a lot your for that.

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