I've installed Slackware 12.0 to my Acer Aspire 5520, and the sound doesn't work. It recognizes the soundcard, and it appears that the drivers are installed, but I don't get any sound. Where should I check, and what should I look for.

Well, there should be something like System > Preferences > Sound or something. I'm on Ubuntu, so I can't help you.

If you're new to Linux, I don't suggest Slackware.

What's the output of lspci ?

I'll have to check that later. I'm running Linux and WinXP dual-booted on the system in question, and I had to reload XP. That, of course, wiped out lilo, and I haven't had a chance to try to reload it yet. Most likely, I'll be back here shortly asking for help on how to do that, but I'll try to get it myself first.

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