as i tyoe this im jus watchin the percentsage go up im installing linux got past my problem with hardrive and wiped it clean as i never wanted anythink on it n now its beautiful jus waitin hehehehehehehehe hope everyone else has fun

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What distro did you finally decide on?

I hope you plan on using one of the braindead windowing interfaces, because with typing like that you won't get very far on the command line. :lol:

I hope you plan on using one of the braindead windowing interfaces, because with typing like that you won't get very far on the command line. :lol:

Oh come on! his typing looks like Linux/UNIX commands already!!!

Under NetBSD:

ln -s /usr/local/etc/rc.d/samba /etc/rc.d/samba

I have trouble making sense of it myself sometimes...

sorry bout my typing everyone i type two quick

TKS i used suse 9.1 and it works grand lol

Member Avatar for TKSS

cool...I like a da Suse too

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