Hello forum members,
Due to the very slow speed internet access I use, I find it almost impossible to successfully download and burn any linux installation live cd (especially ubuntu and fedora10).
I have been reading studiously in preparing myself technically for server administration using linux for the past four months. I have also acquired two refurbished compaq proliant servers (2500 and DL760) to start my journey in the world of server systems management. Unfortunately, the software tool I need is the problem (the live CD). Is there anyone that can out of consideration for my future success, mail these cds to me? I do not mind bearing the cost of shipping. If you wish to do so, my address is: Emiola T.A. Qest Information Systems Limited, 3 Oshineye Street, Kadupe, Pedro, Shomolu, Lagos, Nigeria (ZIP postal 23401)
If you wish to get funded for the shipping, kindly let me know through this post thread or mail me: emiola at qestinfosystems dot com.
Please help me out.
Thank you.

Hello what version of linux are you after?

Have you considered buying off the internet like of amazon.com?

You can request a free CD from Ubuntu but it can take upto 10 weeks, I don't know if you can pay for it to get delivered earlier or not.

fedora is not good for a server application. However for a leaner it's oky.

Ubunthu is just only a one CD image. There different flavors in ubunthu, like edu ubunthu , k ubunthu and like so on.

what is actually you're purpose ?, just run LAMP and learn programming ? what is you're hardware ?

and there are just mini linux versions like DSL and puppy linux.
take a look at them also. they are just like 30-100 MB in size.

Thanks a lot fellas. I appreciate your advice. In fact, I just recieved the Ubuntu 9.04 server edition CD this morning from CANONICAL LIMITED. I applied for it in April 28, through their website but due to the notice that it could take between 6 and 10 weeks shipping made me feel that it was too long for me to wait. Alas! I recieved it this morning through TNT Post. I am really impressed and couldn't contain myself such that I shouted "Oh MY God!" three times in the office.
Please help me to say A BIG THANK YOU TO CANONICAL LIMITED and the entire Ubuntu project for this wonderful gift. Personally, I call it A GIFT OF TRANSFORMATION FOR MY IT LIFE.
I plan to start trying the installation out this weekend on my Compaq Proliant 2500 but before then, I shall use an intel P4 box to practice the whole show and have a hang of it. Please wish me goodluck as I join you my mentors. Thanks a lot once more.
Please don't forget that I may have the cause to call for your help, please respond.

Thanks a lot fellas. I appreciate your advice. In fact, I just recieved the Ubuntu 9.04 server edition CD this morning from CANONICAL LIMITED. I applied for it in April 28, through their website but due to the notice that it could take between 6 and 10 weeks shipping made me feel that it was too long for me to wait. Alas! I recieved it this morning through TNT Post. I am really impressed and couldn't contain myself such that I shouted "Oh MY God!" three times in the office.
Please help me to say A BIG THANK YOU TO CANONICAL LIMITED and the entire Ubuntu project for this wonderful gift. Personally, I call it A GIFT OF TRANSFORMATION FOR MY IT LIFE.
I plan to start trying the installation out this weekend on my Compaq Proliant 2500 but before then, I shall use an intel P4 box to practice the whole show and have a hang of it. Please wish me goodluck as I join you my mentors. Thanks a lot once more.
Please don't forget that I may have the cause to call for your help, please respond.

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