What is the requirements of mail server

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first yum install sendmail*
then chkconfig sendmail on
then service sendmail restart
then go to the file called vim /etc/mail/sendmail.mc type dnl in 116 line and uncommand #
then m4 /et/cmail/sendmail.mc > /etc/mail/sendmail.cf just convert to machine language.
then give vim /etc/mail/local-host-names
here give stationx.example.com
mail.example.com wq ie., save&exit
give chkconfig sendmail on
and service sendmail restart
after this givve command or go to the file vim /etc/mail/access
here give for example ( RELAY) wq ie., save&exit
and type chkconfig sendmail on and service sendmail restart
at last type vim /etc/aliases here just type for example john: john,jane
wq ie., save&exit and mail to john
and type newaliases before chkconfig sendmail on and service sendmail restart.
This is the things u want in sendmail services.


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