please suggest good payment processor for credit cards. We tried 2checkout - other suggestions?

Not sure this is the right place for this thread, but you might try ProPay...I've used them for a long time...very good for small business. Just came up with a new shopping cart system that is really excellently priced. Good Luck

Usually that depends on who you are banking with unless it is a smaller operation then you can use PayPal if you're in the united states. I know other countries have merchant services too.

Why did you post this in the Linux Software forum? Is this for a PHP application?

Most people want to pay through PayPal. But this does not mean that you should ignore the importance of 2checkout. If you accept only PayPal you will certainly be narrowing your customer base. It is good to have both PayPal & 2CO payment options.

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If it is small to medium scale, paypal should do the trick for you. And a lot of people actually like paying via PayPal!!!

PayPal now offers an nifty API that you can build into your website to accept credit cards without forcing people to leave your site as well. Amazon payments and google checkout are also both good payment services that allow people to use credit cards etc. to pay.

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