
I've installed Netbeans 6.5 which is for JAVA with apt-get and want to uninstall it. How do i do it?


sudo apt-get remove "packageName"

or you could easily use of of the GUI tools to do it as well. If you want to know more about the options available in apt-get try:

man apt-get

and you'll get the manual page which lists the options for the package manager.

sudo apt-get remove "packageName"

or you could easily use of of the GUI tools to do it as well. If you want to know more about the options available in apt-get try:

man apt-get

and you'll get the manual page which lists the options for the package manager.

Don't encourage GUI use, the best way to learn is command line.

you can use "sudo apt-get remove [package]"
or to remove it completely(all the config files) use "sudo apt-get purge [package]"

Don't encourage GUI use, the best way to learn is command line.

you can use "sudo apt-get remove [package]"
or to remove it completely(all the config files) use "sudo apt-get purge [package]"

I neither encourage nor discourage GUI use. I simply present it as an option. The user should choose what is best based on their confidence level and skill. I love the command line, but I admit that it's not for everybody. Nothing wrong with that.

I'll rty sudo apt-get remove [package] tomorrow when i get to work and let you know.


I neither encourage nor discourage GUI use. I simply present it as an option. The user should choose what is best based on their confidence level and skill. I love the command line, but I admit that it's not for everybody. Nothing wrong with that.

I just think that if you start using the GUI you'll depend on GUIs too much, and the truth is theres alot of things in Linux that don't have GUIs, and some that are better(more flexible) without a GUI.

I really think that command line is easier in some aspects especially the apt-get and aptitude commands that come with Debian/Ubuntu, because you can use "aptitude search [software]" to find software instead of scrolling through an endless list.

sudo apt-get remove eclipse didn't work but sudo apt-get autoremove eclipse worked

Encourage GUI use to the max. The developers know damn well this lack is what's keeping Linux out of the mainstream.

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