Hello, everyone,

Next semester, I will be taking a course in Java programming language, and was wondering if anyone knew of a good IDE that runs in the Red Hat/Fedora environment. (Preferably something installed through YUM.)

I tried a Google search on this, yet the only thing I seem to find are IDEs written in Java. This is not necessarily what I need; I need an IDE which I can use to write, compile, and execute Java programs.

Thanks all.

I would recommend Eclipse.

Result from 'yum info eclipse-jdt':

Name : eclipse-jdt
Arch : x86_64
Epoch : 1
Version : 3.5.1
Release : 21.fc12
Size : 25 M
Repo : installed
From repo : updates
Summary : Eclipse Java Development Tools
URL : http://www.eclipse.org/
License : EPL
Description: Eclipse Java Development Tools. This package is required to use Eclipse for
: developing software written in the Java programming language.

My 2 favorite IDEs for Java would be Eclipse and NetBeans.

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NetBeans i have been using it for a while now..

You have three good choices:
1. Netbeans (I use and recommend)
2. IntelliJ Idea community (I used and I recommend)
3. Eclipse (I used it and I recommend)
So any of these though for multilanguage (esp. PHP) use NB

Only used Eclipse in Fedora (though, my C++ teacher uses Eclipse on a Mac) for C++ and Java programming, higly recommend it for both languages.

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