Hi Friends,
I am so tried ti dual boot in my system . i m using windows xp but i m installed new opreating system linux. but i m not installed linux in my system.
mu pc configuration.
intel chipset dual core.
1gb ram
320 gb hdd
pls give me any sugeestion.
how to installed linux in my system,?

You need at least two partitions on your hard drive. During the Linux installation process, it will allow you to choose where you want to install Linux to. Select the empty partition you created, and you're all done.

As advised before, at least two partitions are necessary on your hard drive, one of which will be only for Linux, it will be your choice in which of the partitions you want to install Linux. This can be easily done with the software PartitionMagic, which allows you to create,resize and merge partitions. The size of the partition in which Linux is to be installed depends on the Linux distribution chosen. If installing Ubuntu 10.4, well you need to have a lot of space on that partition where it is to be installed (i had to keep resizing and resizing with the PartitionMagic because every time I tried installing it, it never worked because I didn't have enough space on the partition disk), finally i got through when i made the partition space 10 G! Install and then restart, when computer comes on, you will see the option to choose either Windows or Linux, with arrow keys select quickly which you want.

Nice info about dualbooting here

Any modern GNU/Linux distribution will have a graphical installer. If you follow the steps of the instaler the only part that is the most critical is setting up a partition for linux. If you are using Ubuntu or Debian it is easiest to chose the option "Run them side by side" when you get to the partition part of the install. It would be best if you know how much space you want to set aside, and then resize the windows partition while in the installer and setting up atleast a root partition and a swap partition, there are several good tutorials on partitioning on the internet. It is possible to let the software set it up for you. Though the best way is to use the custom option as you will have more control over how its done. There is no substitue for learning partitioning, it will reduce your chances of having to reinstall windows and try again....

Any modern GNU/Linux distribution will have a graphical installer. If you follow the steps of the instaler the only part that is the most critical is setting up a partition for linux. If you are using Ubuntu or Debian it is easiest to chose the option "Run them side by side" when you get to the partition part of the install. It would be best if you know how much space you want to set aside, and then resize the windows partition while in the installer and setting up atleast a root partition and a swap partition, there are several good tutorials on partitioning on the internet. It is possible to let the software set it up for you. Though the best way is to use the custom option as you will have more control over how its done. There is no substitue for learning partitioning, it will reduce your chances of having to reinstall windows and try again....

This is also a good guide for installing Ubuntu:

Here i will give step by step procedure for linux installation already if your machine is loaded with XP.

1. Delete one of your existing logical partition and make it FREE memory space at least 6 GB.
2. Put the LINUX CD and Select the option boot from CD-ROM Mode.
3. Here you can install in two ways
(a) for GUI mode > LINUX (just press Enter)
(b) for TEXT mode > LINUX Text
4. It will ask for the size of partitions in manual mode with the help of DISKDRUID (partition tool).
5. Create and give the sizes for mandatory directories
(a) / 4000MB
(b) /boot 100 MB fixed
(c) /home depending up on number of users
(d) /usr depending on your applications
(e) /var
(f) swap double of the RAM.
6. Choose the boot loader GRUB/LILO.
7. Give the root password
8. After installing all CDS it will ask for first CD again.
9. Reboot the System.
10. WELCOME TO REDHAT linix......


Kolla Sanjeeva Rao

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