Hello all,

I can't write in VFAT ou NTFS partition . I really can do it just as ROOT.


SUSe 9x

Thanks in advance!!!
Eduardo :?:


I think I already have the anwser!

I found it at gentoo-wiki.com/howto_mount_ms_windows_partition...

Just put in /etc/fstab, some thing like it:

/dev/hda1 /mnt/c vfat defaults,umask=0000 0 0

Where "umask=0000" will permit in octal format to all users to read, write and run.


/dev/hda1 /mnt/c vfat defaults,gid=610,umask=0707 0 0

If you want that only users from group 610 be able to read, and execute (not write):

use the table, below to reference the permissions:

M | R W X
0 | * * *
1 | * * -
2 | * - *
3 | * - -
4 | - * *
5 | - * -
6 | - - *
7 | - - -

Good luck !


NTFS and Fat32 shouldn't be written to under the Linux FS anyways, as they're not exactly linux native FS systems. While it CAN be done (as you mentioned, root can do anything), it shouldn't be done, as that is THE quickest way to screw up a partition :)

FAT32 is safer to write into overall.. being a non advanced paritioning system, but I'd avoid messing with NTFS at all costs.

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