hey guys

I don't know if this is the right place for my post subject

I want to transfer my Fedora OS into router such that the PC has two NICs on it, so i want to connect two computers to this PC and let the Fedora OS acts as a router and make routes between these two PCs.

any one have any idea/tut/steps ...


huh, it should be simple. just configure and bring up both of your NICs and route other computers through this box. """route ADD destinationIP GatewayPC_IP"""""

if you want this box be able to act like a wide area network simulator then you need some kind of application in it. FreeBSD has dummynet, i guess Fedora you have to download some 3rd party sw.

You will also need to enable IP Forwarding if your going to use the system as a router. in /etc/sysctl.conf, you would add the following lines

# Controls IP packet forwarding
net.ipv4.ip_forward = 1

Then load the changes with "sysctl -p"

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