First do i have to uninstall Windows to get the full linux benifit

Second what is the best for personal use at home.

Third will i be able to play games on linux

Fourth is it easy to install


I just want to take a break from windows and i am not sure where to start. Thanks



First do i have to uninstall Windows to get the full linux benifit

No you can dual boot the two OS's with grubb or lilo

Second what is the best for personal use at home.

Well being a beginer I would recommend something with a packaging system such as Debian or Red Hat. My preference is debian i HATE redhat. I use Slackware as well but that would be to complex for you at this stage.

Third will i be able to play games on linux

Some and not others. It is not as vast a selection as the Windows environment but there are Linux games ot be played.

Fourth is it easy to install

Most packages come with a pretty easy walk through such as Debian it guides you through everything asking simple questions such as "Will this be a webserver?" then installs needed packages such as apache etc etc


At a console level NO. But at X Windows level.. yes

I just want to take a break from windows and i am not sure where to start. Thanks

GOod choice and your welcome.


No you can dual boot the two OS's with grubb or lilo

Well being a beginer I would recommend something with a packaging system such as Debian or Red Hat. My preference is debian i HATE redhat. I use Slackware as well but that would be to complex for you at this stage.

Some and not others. It is not as vast a selection as the Windows environment but there are Linux games ot be played.

Most packages come with a pretty easy walk through such as Debian it guides you through everything asking simple questions such as "Will this be a webserver?" then installs needed packages such as apache etc etc

At a console level NO. But at X Windows level.. yes

GOod choice and your welcome.

Thank you again, so you would reccomend debain. Would you mind linking me to exactly what i need. I did a search and there was so much! Also what do you mean "easy at console level"

So, i am i correct is saying that i need to download everthing on this page and burn it all to a cd/dvd

Well what is also very usefull is: Linux For Dummies it explains everything you need to know to get started with linux and also more advanced things and things like office applications. The book comes with a DVD with 6 linux distributions: Linspire, Xandros, Fedora Core and some more.
(Including Knoppix which you dont need to install but you can just run from the DVD directly)
BTW: You can download lots of programs for linux for free. (thats because they are open source)

Hope you enjoy linux!!
(BTW: I'm a big noob myself around linux)

Hey, thanks alot i will look into it

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