i am tryin to create an app that should make my cellphone work as a webcam ...
there are softwres like smart cam for that...
also there is an app like mycam that lets you use a gif and create a vistual cam ...
i want to know how an app like that works...
i want to know which directory to put the temp images for the video .. ???
any clues ?
im using ubuntu

There may be such software, but I don't know what it is. You would need some software on the phone to make it act like a USB webcam for the computer OS, and depending what device it emulates, you may or may not need to install driver software on the computer. Myself, I just get a small USB webcam that works with my laptop on Ubuntu, and go with that.

i know there exist softwares for the job...but i want to create one for myself as a project ...
one such software is smartcam i guess...i'vve never used it though .. !

i need ideas on how to go about it ...

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