Hi everyone,
I recently installed Ubuntu on an older computer of mine. This is my first time using Linux. For school, I use a program called Putty to connect to their computer to write, compile, and submit programs for my homework. Is there a similar program that would allow me to do this in ubuntu or is there a way I can get puttY onto this computer?
Thank you,

Linux comes with telnet/ssh built in. Simply use the ssh command from a terminal window / console. :)

Ok, that's what I thought. I was trying that and couldn't get it to work. Can you reccomend any tutorials or Faqs for telnet/ssh clients?
Thank you for your help,

At a console, type "man ssh" for the SSH manual.

Thank you very much for your help!

Really quick SSH howto:

at the command prompt, type in

ssh computer address

Where the computer address is the IP Address or hostname of the system you want to connect to. Enter in your username and password, and get to work!

...Connecting is just that simple.

and still if you like use putty in ubuntu do this :

Applications > Add/Remove
wait it to be open and then at the search type :
then wait for a second ,
now you can choose PuTTY SSH Client & PuTTY Terminal Emulator to be install .

why awaken such an old topic

where i can get serial connection for serial interface

type sudo apt-get install putty

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