
I am trying to install openmeetings and openoffice is required for it:


This is what I type in the terminal:

davy@ubuntu:~$ sudo apt-get install openoffice.org-headless
[sudo] password for davy: 
Reading package lists... Done
Building dependency tree       
Reading state information... Done
E: Unable to locate package openoffice.org-headless
E: Couldn't find any package by regex 'openoffice.org-headless'

How to fix the unable to locate package?

Which version of Ubuntu are you using?
This blog post explains how to do it in Ubuntu 12.04. The instructions should work on any other recent versions of Ubuntu from what I can see. I haven't tested it myself, but it looks like it should work.

According to the article, Openmeetings will work with LibreOffice as well as OpenOffice. And as LibreOffice is installed by default in recent versions of Ubuntu, you shouldn't need to worry about installing OpenOffice.
The page in the link explains all of the different bits of software you'll need to install alongside Libreoffice in order to get OpenMeetings installed and running.

However, if you still want to find/install the OpenOffice packages rather than using Libreoffice - If memory serves the Openoffice packages are in the partner repo. So your first stop should be to check /etc/apt/sources.list and ensure that the partner repository is uncommented.

To check the partner repo is enabled, you'll need to take a look at /etc/apt/sources.list:
To edit the list from a command-line text editor (vi/vim/nano/pico/emacs), open a terminal and use the command:
sudo vim /etc/apt/sources.list
Substitute vim in the above for your favourite command-line editor. To get emacs to run on the command line without the windowed GUI use the -nw option.

To edit in a graphical text editor (gedit, kate, gvim, emacs) use the following command:
gksudo gedit /etc/apt/sources.list
Again, substitute gedit for your chosen GUI text editor.

Once you have the file open, you need to locate the lines for the partner repo and uncomment them by removing the # character at the start of the line. Save the file and exit the editor.

Finally update your package lists:
sudo apt-get update

Next check whether you can find openoffice:
apt-cache search --names-only openoffice

With any luck you should be able to see some packages listed and you'll be able to download/install them with apt-get.

You probably know this already, but if you want to use Openoffice instead of Libreoffice, you'll need to ensure that Libreoffice is completely uninstalled before installing Openoffice.

I would strongly recommend that you install LibreOffice instead of OpenOffice. It is much more up to date, and compatible with all OO files and file types.

commented: I second that motion! +9
Member Avatar for iamthwee

+1 isn't it lighter as well. I don't know... I use abiword and gnunumeric!

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