I finally managed to get RH9 up and running on my WinXP host, however another problem surfaced: I can't connect to my home network. It says that it can't detect any connection, here's the message: "Determining IP information for eth0...failed; no link present. Check cable?".

I followed pretty much everything in the VMWare help guide, using bridged connection. Any ideas?

I use bridged networking with no problems. In fact, it seems to be the easiest to configure for me. Have you tried host-only or NAT??

The answer to this one is buried in the VMWare site. You have to find all copies of ifcfg-eth0 and add the lines:
check_link_down() {
return 1;
That fools the device into thinking the vmWare NIC is giving it a link up signal, which it doesn't.

Hope this helps, it works everytime for me. Good luck.

The answer to this one is buried in the VMWare site. You have to find all copies of ifcfg-eth0 and add the lines:
check_link_down() {
return 1;
That fools the device into thinking the vmWare NIC is giving it a link up signal, which it doesn't.

Hope this helps, it works everytime for me. Good luck.

>>> For me this did it ... thanx ... Daniel

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