Today I just put a new SSD in my desktop. I did have a little trouble booting up the OS because I had plugged the DVI into the wrong port, when I couldn't see the monitor I did end up turning off the computer several times before I finally found the problem. I don't know if the problem occured when I was physicaly in the box or during boot when I turned it back off several times but now my system will not boot. The grub screen does display but after selecting the Linux Mint option it goes to a screen that says ->

Welcome to emergency mode! After loggin in, type "journalct1 -xb" to view system logs, "systemct1 reboot" to reboot, "systemct1 default" or ^D to try agin to boot into default mode. Give root password for maintenance (or press Control-D to continue):

I think I have blown up my MBR or GRUB. I have validated that my boot drive is /dev/sda1.
Any ideas on how I can go about fixing this issue. I do have a live USB that I can boot into and make repairs. Thanks.

Did you try the boot repair disk ?

Yes this one. It usually works very well to detect installed OSes and repair the boot.

Thanks, I'm going to try the boot-repair thing out. Why does the the #2 direction say -> (do not burn it on CD/DVD if your PC came with Windows8)?

Since my Linux Mint is down I'm having to do all this from Windows 8.

I can't answer why the W8 note. Might be some UEFI not handled issue. Why not put it on USB?

Did you tried to turn it off and back on?

Stefna_1, first thing, 500 times.

I don't know why the #2 direction is here. I never had a failure using the boot-repair-disk from a CD/DVD. So you can try it if you prefer this. But why not use the USB stick method?

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