i want to downlaod one of these distrobutions. suse, redhat or mandrake. and i want it to be an image that can be burned to a cd. sorry i dont want to complie anything.
however all the sites i have tried have been horrible as far as downloads. useing a T line gives me fast downlaods on even bogged down ftp sites. however i can never get a decent speed from any of them or the mirrors.

so does anyone know of highspeed fpt sites that have the newest versions of those linux brands. Also no sites i have to pay anything for

Redhat 9 : mite not work right away but keep trying http://ftp.redhat.com/pub/redhat/linux/9/en/iso/i386/

Mandrake 9.1 : list of mirros http://www.mandrakelinux.com/en/ftp.php3

I couldnt find SUSE 8.2 as an iso but if you really want suse 8.2 i can maybe some how get you a copy cause i have them on cd

Linux is free so you dont have to worry about paying, the only thing is if you dont pay for it then you dont get the support but thats what the forum is for.

i want to download one of these distributions. suse, redhat or mandrake. and i want it to be an image that can be burned to a cd. sorry i dont want to complie anything. however all the sites i have tried have been horrible as far as downloads. using a T line gives me fast downloads on even bogged down ftp sites. however i can never get a decent speed from any of them or the mirrors.

so does anyone know of highspeed ftp sites that have the newest versions of those linux brands. Also no sites i have to pay anything for

The slow downloads are deliberate, to frustrate you into the paid versions. Why not try Debian? It's a free distribution, free support, and with apt-get is easier to upgrade than the others. I installed mine from the Knoppix CD, but there is also a 'net installer.

Nothing against Red Hat, SuSE, or Mandrake, but if you want "free-as-in-free-beer", Debian is the way to go. I paid $80 for SuSE 8.0 Professional, but dropped it for a Knoppix-installed Debian. Knoppix has several high-bandwidth download sites.

gentoo is the only way to go ;P

the redhat mirror hiwaay or something like that i can get over 900KBps from it. ftp2.freebsd.com is also around that speed.

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