BSD broke my thinkpad. I have searched and apparently when the machine starts up the bios looks for a hibernate partition (which happens to be similar to the bsd filesystem) so it hangs.

I cant tell it to boot from the cd instead and then use a livecd to kill the bsd instillation as this is straight at bootup - it doesnt even post.

It boots up fine without the hdd drive. Anyone know how i can delete the bsd instillation off the lapops drive from my desktop ?- a laptop to desktop size hdd connector maybe?

BSD broke my thinkpad. I have searched and apparently when the machine starts up the bios looks for a hibernate partition (which happens to be similar to the bsd filesystem) so it hangs.

I cant tell it to boot from the cd instead and then use a livecd to kill the bsd instillation as this is straight at bootup - it doesnt even post.

It boots up fine without the hdd drive. Anyone know how i can delete the bsd instillation off the lapops drive from my desktop ?- a laptop to desktop size hdd connector maybe?

First of all, have you tried changing the BIOS config? On some laptops, this is not possible, but there is *usually* a way to fix this. Usually, a simple "Bios reset" menu option will do the trick. Also, does your laptop have a floppy drive? Most BIOSs are configured to boot from the floppy drive first. You could then insert a Win/Linux boot disk and repair the system (or use it to boot the CD).

If this doesn't work, then I would suggest using a connector, although I don't really know much about that.

Sorted. I tried selecting booting from a floppy but it wouldnt for some reason so evetually baught an adapter from maplin and wiped the disk from another machine. Runs fine now. (I just installed debian Etch)

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