!@#$#%#^$@%^#$@#!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Ok, linux is making me mad... I can not get audacity installed! Actually, i can't get wxWidgets installed, which is required to install audacity...

When i run "./configure", it works great, but then when i do "make", it claims that "X11" is not found... Am i doing something wrong?

Have you got GTK installed?

Giving us the exact error messages recieved would help; it's pretty hard to know why "it can't find X11". But my guess is that you're just missing a simple little library(s) which WxWidgets depends on.

I don't know much about MEPIS, but isn't there some sort of package manager which can install Audacity and all its dependancies for you instead of struggling with make ? It might make things a little bit faster... :D

why on eath are you compiling from source?

you should be able to either use synaptic or do either:

apt-get install audacity
yum install audacity

yum is the package manager for Fedora Core, whereas Mepis is .deb based. Try using apt-get or synaptic. This page should cover the basics of installing packages on Mepis

thanks infarction i didnt know what distro MEPIS was based on - i thaught either debian or mandrake which is why i suggested both

in order to apt-get, don't i need an internet connection?

oh, so you dont have one?

sorry i kinda took that for granted...

in synaptic you should be able to add your MEPIS cd as a repository though and if audacity is on it you can install that way

sorry i kinda took that for granted...

in synaptic you should be able to add your MEPIS cd as a repository though and if audacity is on it you can install that way

Which you can pretty well expect to be on any modern Linux distro...

But yes, you're making it a lot harder for yourself by compiling all your packages. Sometimes it's necessary, but it takes far too much time usually.

I am done for now... with my laptop. I reformated it and put Xp Pro on it. :( I need it for actual productivity, instead of "hmm, maybe this will work..."

I will start trying to get it all installed on a desktop i have floating around here (somewhere...).

I understand. Linux can be used for productivity just as much as Windows, but the amount of configuration for Windows is nothing compared to Linux, which is why many corporations don't use it.

Too bad you couldn't get Linux to work for you, but maybe someday you'll get an urge to play around with it and start using it again...

experiences differ. thats all.

Ubuntu instaled first time on my system and detected everything and managed to connect to my network straight off

I was playing with the idea of dual booting, but i have to get some work done with audacity, so i thought windoz does a pretty good job of that...

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