Hello everyone. I recently "migrated" my 8 year old computer from Windows 98 to NetBSD 3.1. The installation went fine and the machine is able to connect to the internet through a local router :) . However, I still have a couple of questions to ask:

1. When you run a command and pipe the output into "less" i.e.

ls /usr/bin | less

the only way I can find to stop the less process when I'm finished with it is to press CTRL + Z (CTRL + C and CTRL + D do not work). So, I end up using kill every so often to terminate the stopped less processes (so I don't get a big chunk of them building up). Is there a way to terminate "less" without having to stop it first like this?

2. I have been trying to install a set of applications to let me carry on my web development work on the system. I was told on one of the NetBSD chat rooms that pkg_add will automatically retrieve dependencies from the netbsd.org servers when you run it on a package file that has them. I tried to install the Linux version of Opera 9.1 like this, but pkg_add said it had failed to find some Linux libraries it needed. Have I been inadvertently mislead about this issue, or has pkg_add just gone wrong on this occasion?

It isn't too critical, as I can use wget to download the required other packages once I've found them in the packages collection.


>Is there a way to terminate "less" without having to stop it first like this?
Have you tried hitting a simple 'q'?

>pkg_add said it had failed to find some Linux libraries it needed.
Does it say which libraries it needs? I'm not familiar with pkg_add, but it's usually pretty common for a package in a *nix system to have dependancies. Normally these are printed out in the installer or in the documentation, and then you can use that information to set about installing the dependancies yourself.

I followed your advice and it worked joe :p . Because I had no web browser on the comp. I was doing this on I had to look up the location of the dependencies (in NetBSD pkgsrc online) in an internet cafe and write them down. Then I used wget to download them "non - interactively". Now I've got Opera 9.1 working. Well, it beats reading HTML you've downloaded manually and trying to work out what the page looks like in your head :) .


I thought netbsd came with lynx... anyway, yeah, less functions with similar commands to vi, q for quit, / for search etc.

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