Watch the iMac Introduction Video:

What do you guys think of it? I've watched the video about 50 times... I love it that much :!:


That's all I can say.

I think that the case could be prettier, maybe aluminum as opposed to the white eMac look.

I think that the case could be prettier, maybe aluminum as opposed to the white eMac look.

I don't like the large empty block below the screen, but it makes sense for Apple to make the case white, it's the color of their consumer computers. I wish they could have put the optical drive at the bottom, but I can see why it's necessary to be at the top. Speaking of why...

I saw this article today it has some interesting specs on the iMac G5.

All in all I think the iMac G5 is great. I think it looks really cool. I really like the fact that it's VESA compatible. I would love to be able to clear the whole computer off my desk and have all that workspace back. :cheesy:


Tek, haven't you gotten a Mac yet? I thought we converted you a few threads / months ago. We gotta work on a hardware plan for ya. Maybe see if Dani will get you one, and write it off as a business expense. We need a DaniWeb R & D Labratory. DaniLabs.

I like it too.


Check out the signature ;-). Now I'm saving up for a G5!

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