We are experiencing a seriously infuriating issue with our new Imac powerPc G4. You are happily working on something and the computer goes into screen saver mode. When you click out of it the cursor has jumped to one or other of the screen corners. It happens constantly and seems to be associated with mouse movement as word processing doesn't trigger it unless the mouse is active. Help me please I once had a lovely head of hair :eek:


What version of OS X are you running? What other programs are available? Does the computer lock up after you see this condition? I have not seen/heard of it before.

Please provide all details.



we bought the computer with mac osx panther. the problem occurs with all ilife programs but only when you move the mouse . if i move the mouse very slowly it does not seem to trigger it. no the computer does not lock up or freeze after you click out of screen sav mode but often will go straight back into mode shortly after at other times not

I have tried to alter the time re screen saver in preference pannel .problem seems to occur across all applications


Do you have a password associated with the screen-saver? I think I also read that there are new patches out there. Try running System Update to see if new software comes down the pipe. I have seen my screensaver do strange things once in a blue moon. Not often though.


There's a setting that makes your screen saver goon everytime you put your mouse in the corner. You can turn it off in the Screensaver Prefs pannel.

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