Mail in 10.3.5 keeps going "offline."

I'll set it to online, and it goes to offline after trying to get email.

Also, Info for mail is set correctly, yet it can't hook up to mail/dns servers. Teo other email accounts that I have with the same provider work OK, but the Client is entourage.

Any help would be appreciated.


What error messages do you get from Mail when it fails?

What error messages do you get from Mail when it fails?

The message indicates that somewhere in the chain of accepting messages, there is an old email address, that is no longer used. I have scoured my mard drive and looked in all preferences that I know about to find that offending address. I can't find it.

I can send but not receive.

There is no message re going offline. It goes offline when I try to get new email.

Thank u,


The only thing I've experienced that causes a mail account to go offline is failure to log into that account. That could be because the name of the server was wrong, the DNS lookup failed, or the password was wrong. Additionally the server could simply fail to respond even though the account info is all correct.

You've already checked all the settings which leaves us with the server. Assuming it's a POP3 server, one way to test that connection is to telnet to port 110 on the mailserver and issue the login commands at the command line using terminal (Applications/Utilities). One tutorial on this is here:

For others just google 'pop3 telnet'. This would allow you to verify that the account details are being accepted by the server, and if not would let you see the server response.

If everything on the server checks out then about the only thing I can suggest is to purge all your mail settings, recreate the account and hope for the best :).

The only thing I've experienced that causes a mail account to go offline is failure to log into that account. That could be because the name of the server was wrong, the DNS lookup failed, or the password was wrong. Additionally the server could simply fail to respond even though the account info is all correct.

You've already checked all the settings which leaves us with the server. Assuming it's a POP3 server, one way to test that connection is to telnet to port 110 on the mailserver and issue the login commands at the command line using terminal (Applications/Utilities). One tutorial on this is here:

For others just google 'pop3 telnet'. This would allow you to verify that the account details are being accepted by the server, and if not would let you see the server response.

If everything on the server checks out then about the only thing I can suggest is to purge all your mail settings, recreate the account and hope for the best :).

Thank you for your efforts. I never found the problem. I started using new mail client and all is well.




Which email client did you switch to? I am running Eudora here, and really enjoy it. I ask because the next question would be how did you migrate your addressbook settings and the like.



Mail in 10.3.5 keeps going "offline."

I'll set it to online, and it goes to offline after trying to get email.

Also, Info for mail is set correctly, yet it can't hook up to mail/dns servers. Teo other email accounts that I have with the same provider work OK, but the Client is entourage.

Any help would be appreciated.


I had the same problem today, 4 years later! Using Mail 3.3(924) on OSX 10.5.

A clue to the cause in my case came from clicking on the triangular icon with ! in it in the Inbox. The message that came up indicated that the mail server did not support MD5 authentication. The dialog box had a Take all account online button which I clicked. Then I checked Mail | Preferences | Accounts | Advanced, and sure enough it had somehow reset to MD5 Challenge-Response, the first item in the list, when it should have been (and always has been) Password, the last item in the list. After putting this right Get Mail worked properly.

I have the same type of problem with Mail and Mac OS.X.

Some of the time that I hit "Get Mail" it gets the mail and sometimes it goes offline. It is not consistent. It started doing this about 6 weeks ago. Used to work perfectly

When it goes offline, going to Mailbox/Take all Accounts on Line restores it for a while until it loses its mind again and goes offline.

In Mail/Preferences/Accounts/Advanced it is properly set for Authentication by password

Another thing, though set to get emails every 15 minutes, sometimes it does but mostly it doesn't until I hit Get Mail

My email provider ( says its a problem with my computer. My nerd doesn't know

Anyone know about this??

I'm having the same problem as Shadrach123 above. It just started a couple months ago and for no apparent reason! My settings are all correct and usually, when I hit Take All Accounts Online, it comes back. This is with Mac Mail.

What gives and how can I fix it???

Please help!

Looks like Mail has a bug or something.
I have the same problem, with. mail fron webcity server.
Thing is that I dont want to turn all mail ONLINE as I have some accounts that remain offline until I want to use them.

When Mail sees a server not responding, it pushes the account OFF-LINE! Why, What is the point of that?

Is this fixed? is there a timeout setting or something .?

I had the same issue some weeks ago, with my Mini. My Macbook worked fine. Both were on the same Trendnet router. My ISP doesn't have any support for since outsourcing help to the Philippines. Trendnet 24/7 service dismissed it as a computer problem at first. Many Applecare techs wracked their brains on this one. Finally talked to a senior tech at Trendnet and he solved the problem by adjusting settings in the router from his end. Whenever I tried to go to my ISPs webmail, my browser would take me to the router log in page.
All is well as long as I'm at home using my ISP. If away and using some other ISP, all bets are off for as one Applecare senior advisor told me he has the same issues with when using different servers other than his own.
Good luck.

I have the same problem with my mail. I am using both a gmail account and a hotmail account with it, but for no reason it just disconnects. really annoying...

My MAC mail client just started doing the same thing after working properly for years.

check mail()

Same problem here! This is so annoying! Any fix yet? Even though I check "Use this server only' for each outgoing mail serve accountr It goes offline and changes it to none randomly!

Please Help!


2 mac accts on same mac using same e-mail address. Both worked flawlessly until 2 weeks ago. Now my wifes syncs automatically, but mine does not. In Lion, I have to show folders, go to the inbox for the e-mail provider, right click, and select synchronize. Then account is "online", according to the details tab, and the mail is up to date.

In summary, we share the same problem, have a work-around, but it's manual. Will be watching, listening for a real solution.

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