Hello. New to Daniweb. Having recently upgraded my software (now running on Mac OSX version 10.3.9) I can't access certain files on Appleworks. I keep geting the message 'The Translator could not read this file'. Can anyone here offer me any help on this matter? (as I can't afford another £30 phone call to the mac helpline!!!!!!!!!)


Welcome to DaniWeb.

Appleworks comes with a "translator" that will allow you to open files made in another program, such as Microsoft Word, or perhaps Word Perfect or Excel. The translater engine then opens the file in Appleworks, and allows you to work with it.

Did these files work for you under OS 9?

I am wondering if you need to go to Apple's website and see if upgrades are available for Applelworks.



Welcome to DaniWeb.

Appleworks comes with a "translator" that will allow you to open files made in another program, such as Microsoft Word, or perhaps Word Perfect or Excel. The translater engine then opens the file in Appleworks, and allows you to work with it.

Did these files work for you under OS 9?

I am wondering if you need to go to Apple's website and see if upgrades are available for Applelworks.


Hi Christian

Much obliged for taking the time to offer help fella. Unfortunately no luck. Tried the Apple website as suggested but I'm running the latest upgrade already (6.2.9). Tried an 'Appleworks File Repair' download but to no avail.

The ibook was already running on OS X when I bought it, so never had OS 9.

What do you suggest?

Thanks again.


I was under the impression that you upgraded from 9 to X.... was not clear that Appleworks has never opened these files for you yet.

What kinds of files are you trying to work with? Are we looking at MS Works documents? WordPerfect? CAD documents?



Hi Christian

Thank's for trying to help.

I was trying to open a pps file and got a window saying.
'Open Dictionary
Unable to read the dictionary of the application because it is not scriptable'.
Also a small scroll/script icon has appeared by my connect icon in my main toolbar. I don' know if this could be relevent.

Any thoughts?

Thanks again.



I was under the impression that you upgraded from 9 to X.... was not clear that Appleworks has never opened these files for you yet.

What kinds of files are you trying to work with? Are we looking at MS Works documents? WordPerfect? CAD documents?



Not sure if Appleworks does power point files, or really has a power point type of application to view the file.

It sounds like you got something in your email from a windows user?

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