Hey folks, I'll be heading over to IDF (Intel Developer Forum) in a couple of weeks. While I'm out there I am hoping to sit down with Steve Wozniak, founder of Apple Computer, for a quick interview. If any of you have any burning questions that you want to suggest feel free to post them here. Please keep it respectful and relevant.

I saw what you said on Twitter. This is an exciting thing for you to be able to do an interview with him. Steve Wozniak was one of the group of a dozen people that I saw in a magazine that are responsible for making the computer and therefore the internet available to the common person. That group (including Bill Gates) were so geeky looking.

It will be a great interview to read or watch if you get it on video. Sorry I do not have any questions since I am relatively new to computers and the internet. I got a computer in 2005. Before that I just read lots of books. But I still like books and am reading one by Gary Kasporov, the best chess player ever. He was the youngest world champion ever (age 22). But I digress.

Just do not get too excited in case it does not happen. I do not want you to get your heart broken. You have an exciting occupation. If it is possible then I feel that you will get to interview him since you are an endearing person. Endearing-- adorable: lovable especially in a childlike or naive way, having characteristics that attract love or affection;

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