Its seem a bit slow while using iPhone 4S. Sometime it irritate too much. :(

The battery drains very fast too.

I have one, and I like it way better than the Android phone that I had before. It's faster and lasts longer than my last phone.

That i suppose your previous phone battery life is freaking short. Right?

It is not challenged yet,, not added many feature in it.

Ya, it was painfully short

pls post all the about iPhone 4S because im planning to get one.. i just want to make sure that im doing the ryt decision.=))

In my opinion it is worth it. The dual-core processor is fast, and Siri is great!

Unless you have too much money and don't know how to spend go buy one and play with it. If not you can get other Android phones with better features and cheaper. The Siri is a good invention but it is actually useless.

Siri is really good but I don't like talk always with siri when I am with friends. the battery issue with iPhone 4S is still not clear. I will simply say if you have older iPhone 3GS or iPhone 4 than wait for iPhone 5.

I agree with that.

The battery drains very fast too.

Apple is addressing this issue! apple however did make a firmware to slow down the draining of the battery life 5.0.1.
the reason its draining so fast is because of Siri, and a bug with the Ios5

I’m using an iPhone 4s because of its quality features like “Siri” and the “Retina display”.

I honestly want to point out that Apple really has less functionality compared to Samsung S2 and S3 but heyy, I really don't care that much because all I know is that the Iphone is the status symbol of this 21st century. I REALLY DON'T CARE IF IT IS A LITTLE EXPENSIVE. STATUS SYMBOL RULESS. GO APPLE!!

I have been using iPhone 4S because it is having one of the best features in the market of mobile phone and provide us access number of applications from iTumes. 4S provides the pinpoint most densed pixel display and other featured like Siri. Do agree it is bit slow but we always have to sacrifice something for something. In this case speed for features and applications.

Well what i do is i double tap the home button, touch and hold an app on the bottom of the screen and then close ALL the apps open. Don't worry it doesn't get rid of the apps but that should speed up the phone after you restart it when your done closing all the apps!

iphone battery really drains too fast.

I’m using an iPhone 4s and I love it, I have used many smart phones including Galaxy Note, but I don’t think there are any phones equal to iPhone’s technical specifications and the stylish interface.

Siri on iPhone 4S lets you use your voice to send messages, schedule meetings, place phone calls, and more. Ask Siri to do things just by talking the way you talk. Siri understands what you say, knows what you mean, and even talks back. Siri is so easy to use and does so much, you’ll keep finding more and more ways to use it.

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