Howdy All. First time poster so pls. excuse an missteps.

I've got a PowerMac Dual 1Gig (MDD) running 10.3.9 and when I Control + Click (same action as going to Finder menu, File, etc) on an item on my desktop (to Get Info, Move To Trash) it not only doesn't perform the task I'm trying to accomplish, temporarily (a couple of seconds) all the icons/folder, etc. on my desktop disappear, then, when the icons come back onto the desktop, the finder opens a new Home Finder window open automatically. I can still go to Finder, File and perform the Get Info/Move To Trash actions, but I've lost my ability to do it with just a simple mouse/keyboard combo action.

I've run Disc Util, Disk Warrior, Rebuilt The Desktop, tossed and emptied trash of all Finder Prefs (.plist) and I'm still left with the same problem. Oh Yeah, Apple Tech Support regurgitates the ARCHIVE AND INSTALL blandness.


All the best,


First thing to do: Log in as another user to verify that the problem exists there as well.

also get a programme called "macjanitor".
it will let you run basic maintinance routenes.
also "mac sweeper" same kind of thin only more involved

Howdy All. First time poster so pls. excuse an missteps.

I've got a PowerMac Dual 1Gig (MDD) running 10.3.9 and when I Control + Click (same action as going to Finder menu, File, etc) on an item on my desktop (to Get Info, Move To Trash) it not only doesn't perform the task I'm trying to accomplish, temporarily (a couple of seconds) all the icons/folder, etc. on my desktop disappear, then, when the icons come back onto the desktop, the finder opens a new Home Finder window open automatically. I can still go to Finder, File and perform the Get Info/Move To Trash actions, but I've lost my ability to do it with just a simple mouse/keyboard combo action.

I've run Disc Util, Disk Warrior, Rebuilt The Desktop, tossed and emptied trash of all Finder Prefs (.plist) and I'm still left with the same problem. Oh Yeah, Apple Tech Support regurgitates the ARCHIVE AND INSTALL blandness.


All the best,


I have the same system and developed the same problem. Spent about 1/2 day trying the same fixes you did. Finally decided to "Archive and Reinstall" , About one hour later the problem was fixed and all the symptoms were gone. Good Luck!!! John

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