Hi I'm SassyFrass, and I've always only had MAC's. I'm not really a computer geek. I have no programming exp. or anything. I'm just a (really annoyed at the moment) girl with a computer.

Anyway.. two days ago, my yahoo started saying that people don't have permission to view my webcam. These are people who I have INVITED to view it! EVEN ME!!!! I could webcam myself before, and suddenly I can't
I don't know what to do!!!

If anyone has had this situation before, please let me know.

I have an iBook G4 and a Logitech Quickcam 4000.


Hmmm... could it be something you installed recently? Usually things don't break down it Mac OS X without doing something first. :)

Try disconnecting and reconnecting the webcam. Also, can you see video of yourself? (I'm not sure if yahoo messenger has this feature.)

If it still doesn't work, try deleteing the yahoo preferences file. It's located in your home folder/Library/Preferences/Yahoo Messenger Preferences.

i had the same problem, go to yahoo and download the new beta version of messenger for mac. great improvement

It wasn't anything that you did, Mac users all over the USA were having the same problem, it seems that in the yahoo messenger 2.5.3 when they revamped their javascript they did something that prevented mac users from using their webcams. As to date they haven't fixed the problem and mac users can only use the new beta version yahoo messenger that has no controls on it like the old yahoo messenger 2.5.3. So good luck, personally I'm thinking of using another messenger service, it's been two years since that day and they still have no answer to it. And don't bother trying to call their help line, there are no people there to help either, it's the same as the web, users trying to help users only or recorded messages, total waste of time. Maybe it's about time they sold the company so that a new owner can fix their problems.

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